Christmas Eve dinner for the participants of the Preparatory Course and a theatre play “When God travels by railway”
On 14th December a traditional Polish Christmas Eve dinner for the participants of the Preparatory Course at Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities took place.
The Christmas Eve dinner was organized by the Department of Science and International Relations in cooperation with the University Centre for Culture. Teachers of the Preparatory Course also took part in the event.
The most important element of a traditional Polish Eve is sharing the Christmas Eve wafer. This event helped our foreign guests to get familiar with the Polish tradition, culture and religion as well as to experience typical Polish customs, such as sharing the Christmas wafer, singing carols or tasting traditional Polish Christmas dishes.
A very special event at the Christmas Eve was a theatre play called “When God travels by railway”– a nativity play prepared by the participants of the Preparatory Course, directed by Łukasz A. Wawryniuk.
The final point of the evening was tasting Polish Christmas dishes and singing carols to the accompaniment of a guitar.