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‘Solidary with Belarus’ – NAWA Scholarships for Students, Scientists and Teachers

Dr. Julia Ulasiuk from Brest, who is a scholarship holder of The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange as part of ʻSolidary with Belarusʼ scholarship programme,  is a guest at Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities and at The Center for Polish Language and Culture.

From January to December 2021, the doctor will be involved in various scientific and didactic projects at the Institute of Political Sciences and Administration. She also participates in a specialist Polish language course and Polish language consultations organized by The Centre for Polish Language and Culture.

Ośrodek Języka Polskiego i Kultury Polskiej UPH w Siedlcach


Center for Polish Language and Culture

Siedlce University

ul. Konarskiego 2, 08-110 Siedlce