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Open lecture about Aurelia Wyleżyńska

On January 27, 2025, prof. Beata Walęciuk-Dejneka gave an online lecture: The unfinished history of Polish literature. Forgotten Polish women writers of the 19th and 20th centuries - the case of Aurelia Wyleżyńska for lecturers and students of Ukrainian Polish studies.

The scientific meeting is part of a project financed by the National Agency for Academic Exchange, as part of the Promotion of the Polish Language program (Translation Zone - translation workshops for students and young scientists from Ukraine), and implemented at the University of Siedlce. The foreign partner of the above-mentioned project is the Precarpathian National University Wasyl Stefanyk in Ukraine.

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Ośrodek Języka Polskiego i Kultury Polskiej UPH w Siedlcach


Center for Polish Language and Culture

Siedlce University

ul. Konarskiego 2, 08-110 Siedlce