is a unit of Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities.
The main goal of the Center is to carry out scientific, educational, cultural and promotional activity, especially connected with promotion of the Polish language and Poland itself, aimed at Poles living abroad and foreigners.
Our offer is both for students and candidates, as well as for persons from outside the University.
The Center for Polish Language and Culture is implementing a project titled: "With a Polish word - promotion of Polish literature and language among children and youth of the Polish Air Force Saturday School in Walsall in Birmingham, Great Britain."
We are pleased to inform you that the University of Siedlce (Centre for Polish Language and Culture) is in the group of 18 applications selected in the competition (out of 40 submitted) and is in 5th place as the winner in the NAWA Polish Language Promotion program.
We are pleased to announce that the University of Siedlce (Centre for Polish Language and Culture) is among the winners of the competition announced by the Institute for the Development of the Polish Language: Comprehensive support for Polish and Polish education abroad.