Saying goodbye to the POLONISTA programme scholarship holders
During autumn semester of academic year 2019/20 we hosted at our university three POLONISTA programme scholarship holders granted by NAWA. They were students from Zaporoże University in Ukraine: Valeriia Donia, Mykhailo Khalashy and Pavlo Khalashy. They took their 2nd year of first-cycle studies here.
The POLONISTA programme is addressed to foreign students of Polish philology, Polish studies or Polish programmes implemented as part of Slavic studies (in the scope of Polish language, Polish culture and knowledge about Poland).
Students can develop their interest in Polish language and improve their command of Polish by taking part in lectures and classes according to their chosen field of study, by conducting research, carrying out scientific projects, collecting materials for scientific work or thesis, using the resources of university libraries and archives.
On Wednesday 12th February 2020 we officially said good-bye to our three guests from Ukraine. The farewell meeting was organized by students of Polish philology: Aleksnadra Zwierzyńska and Wiktoria Świętuchowska as well as a student of English philology Klaudia Krukowska. See you in the next edition of the programme ????