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3-month Polish Language Course

We are starting registration for a 3-month Polish language course. Classes will be held from October to December 2022.

The course is intended for beginners.
Classes will be held 2 times a week for 2 hours (the schedule of classes will be agreed after the group meeting).
Place:  Centre for Polish Language and Culture 
ul. 3 Maja 49, Siedlce
Course fee: PLN 600 *
* The fee should be paid by bank transfer to the account by 30/09/2022:
University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce
ul. Konarski 2
08-110 Siedlce
Account number: PL19 1240 2685 1111 0000 3656 3195
Bank address:
08-110 Siedlce, ul. Wojskowa 24
in the transfer title:
your name and surname, 3-month Polish language course
Ośrodek Języka Polskiego i Kultury Polskiej UPH w Siedlcach


Center for Polish Language and Culture

Siedlce University

ul. Konarskiego 2, 08-110 Siedlce